8 Ways to Become a Happier Person

I just want to be happy! Have you found yourself saying those words more than once? Me too. In our world filled with challenges and uncertainties, the pursuit of happiness and the desire to be happy seems to be top of mind for many. We all strive to lead more fulfilling and content lives, but sometimes it can feel like an elusive goal. Burnout sets in as the to-do list grows and the demands of everyday life seem to take over.

The good news is that happiness is not a destination; it's a journey, a state of mind that we can and must cultivate and nurture. If you're looking to embark on a path towards becoming a happier person, you've come to the right place. You can start right here, right now with 8 Ways to Become a Happier Person.

Being happier doesn’t have to be a pie in the sky thought. Let this blog be your guide to discovering new ideas, strategies, and mindset shifts that can help you unlock the door to a brighter, more joy-filled life.

So, let's take that first step together on this remarkable journey towards a happier you with 8 Ways to Become a Happier Person.

8 Ways to Become a Happier Person

  1. Stop Focusing on Pleasing Others

We all know the feeling of trying to please others, sometimes at the cost of our own happiness and well-being. It's like walking on a tightrope, constantly seeking approval and validation from those around us. But here's the truth: living your life to please others is a surefire way to lose touch with your authentic self while watching your happiness get sucked down the drain of life. It can feel scary and liberating to let go of people-pleasing tendencies. Let’s lean into the feeling of liberation - YES, that feels good.

As with any personal development or change that you crave the first step starts with you. In an effort to stop focusing on pleasing others you need to become self-aware and turn the focus inward. Reflect on your motivations for always saying yes and recognize when you're seeking validation or approval. Ask yourself, why is the approval of this person or persons so important to you. What in your life is missing and where and how can you fill that need for yourself? More focus on self-love, more time alone, a long walk while listening to good music? What do you need?

Next, practice saying "no" when necessary (to save your sanity), setting healthy boundaries, and communicating your needs and desires openly. You matter too. Prioritize self-care to build your self-esteem, self-love and resilience, making it easier to resist the urge to constantly feel the need or obligation to please others. Surround yourself with supportive, understanding people who value your energy and authenticity. You may find the right support you need here.

Remember that you can't control how others perceive you, but you can control your actions and reactions. Finally, be patient with yourself; breaking the people-pleasing habit takes time, but the freedom, relief and happiness you gain are well worth the effort.

  1. Leave Perfectionism at the Door

Do you have a close relationship with perfectionism? Setting impossibly high standards for yourself without even realizing the best of the best would be hard pressed to accomplish what you have set out to achieve. Striving for excellence is awesome, but perfectionism can lead to constant stress, anxiety, and burnout. Is there really anything in life that is perfect?

Leaving perfectionism at the door is a liberating choice that can lead to a more fulfilling and balanced life. Perfectionism, while it may seem like a pursuit of excellence, often becomes an unattainable and self-destructive quest. When you embrace imperfection, you allow yourself to learn and grow from your mistakes, and you free up valuable time and energy to focus on what truly matters.

It's about accepting that being human means having flaws and limitations, and that's perfectly okay. By setting realistic expectations and letting go of the need to be flawless, you open yourself up to creativity, resilience, and a deeper sense of self-worth. So, as you step through the door of life, consider leaving perfectionism behind and saying hello happiness as you live your perfectly imperfect life.

  1. Allow Yourself to Make Mistakes and Fail

Allowing yourself to make mistakes and experience failure is not a sign of weakness, but rather a testament to your courage and resilience. In fact, it's through our missteps that we often find our greatest opportunities for growth and self-discovery. When you grant yourself the freedom to make mistakes, you create a safe space for innovation, learning and joy. Failures, are merely stepping stones on the path to success and happiness.

Let mistakes teach you valuable lessons, build your character, and push you to adapt and improve. So, instead of fearing failure, embrace it as an essential part of your journey to happiness, and remember that the most successful people in the world have encountered their fair share of setbacks. After all, it's not the fall that defines you, but how you rise and continue moving forward.

  1. Figure Out What Truly Makes You Happy

Discovering what makes you truly happy is a deeply personal and ongoing journey. It begins with self-awareness and mindfulness. Take the time to reflect on your interests, values, and experiences. What activities make you lose track of time or fill you with enthusiasm? What are the moments in life when you feel most content? Keep a journal to record your thoughts and feelings.

Experiment with new experiences, hobbies, and interests to uncover what lights you up. Talk to friends and family about what they notice brings you joy. Remember that happiness is not a fixed destination; it evolves as you grow and change. So, be patient with yourself, embrace change, and prioritize self-care. By being curious, open-minded, and attentive to your own needs and desires, you can gradually uncover the unique sources of happiness that enrich your life.

  1. Be Open to Doing Something Different

Sometimes life feels ho-hum because we are doing the same daily things on repeat. If nothing changes, well, nothing changes. Being open to doing something different is like unlocking a world of possibilities and personal growth. It all starts with a willingness to step outside your comfort zone. Embrace curiosity and a sense of adventure; acknowledge that change and new experiences can be both exciting, rewarding and the key to unlock your happiness.

Challenge your routines and habits, as this highlights fresh perspectives and opportunities. Cultivate an open mind by actively seeking out diverse experiences and perspectives. Surround yourself with people who inspire and encourage you to explore new activities and new ways of showing up for life.

Remember that personal growth and happiness often comes from trying something new, and it's in these moments of stepping into the unknown that you may discover new passions, talents, and a broader understanding of yourself and the world. So, be open to doing something different, and watch as it leads you to a more exciting and happier life.

  1. Change What Isn’t Working

Change is the catalyst for progress, and when something isn't working in our lives, it's a clear sign that transformation is needed. Whether it's a job, a relationship, a habit, or a mindset, acknowledging what isn't working is the first step toward positive change. It takes courage to confront the discomfort and uncertainty that often accompanies change, but it's essential for your personal growth and happiness.

Embrace the opportunity to reevaluate, adapt, and pivot in a new direction. By letting go of what doesn't serve you, you make room for fresh beginnings and better outcomes. Remember, change is not a sign of failure, but rather a testament to your resilience and your commitment to a life that aligns with your values and aspirations. So, be bold, embrace change, and watch as you create a more fulfilling, rewarding and happier path for yourself.

  1. Commitment and Accountability

A happier and more fulfilling life must include living with commitment and accountability. When you commit to your goals and values, you set yourself up for a meaningful and purpose-driven life. Accountability, means showing up for yourself and others (without people pleasing), and staying committed to what’s important in your life. It means taking responsibility for your choices, actions, and the impact you have on your own well-being. How you show up in life drives much of the way you feel, including your level of happiness.

This dynamic duo of commitment and accountability empowers you to create a life that reflects your deepest desires, and it allows you to steer the course of your happiness deliberately. By staying committed and accountable, you not only take ownership of your happiness, but you also set a shining example of personal integrity that can inspire and uplift those around us. So, embrace commitment and accountability as your companions on the journey to lasting happiness.

  1. Participate and Take Action

Are you ready to transform dreams and ideas into tangible realities? Participating and taking action are the driving forces behind progress and personal fulfillment. Personal fulfillment naturally leads to more happiness.

By actively engaging in life, you not only shape your own destiny but also contribute to the betterment of your communities and the world at large. That feels important! Through participation, you find purpose and passion, gaining a deeper understanding of your strengths and values.

Taking action, on the other hand, propels you forward, helping you overcome obstacles and achieve your goals. Whether it's pursuing a new career, supporting a cause, or simply making positive changes in your daily routines, your efforts matter.

Inaction often leads to stagnation, missed opportunities, and regret. By embracing participation and action, you become the architect of your own happiness creating a brighter, more meaningful future. So, seize the moment, engage wholeheartedly, and let your actions lead the way towards a life of purpose, satisfaction and happiness.


Become a happier person is possible for you. If you were to implement any of the 8 suggested ways to become a happier person you will notice a shift in your life. It takes one small step today and then another and another to become a happier version of yourself. Love who you are now and know that the following 8 ways are available for you to implement if you want to turn up your happiness meter.

  • Stop focusing on pleasing others

  • Leave perfectionism at the door

  • Allow yourself to make mistakes and fail

  • Figure out what truly makes you happy

  • Be open to doing something different

  • Change what isn’t working

  • Commitment and accountability

  • Participate and take action

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Sandra Daniele

A certified life coach, Sandra leads midlife women on a personal journey to self-confidence, and self-awareness while learning to let go of the stories that keep them stuck. Sandra's clients confidently go after their personal and career dreams and goals. Living a more fulfilled and aligned life. Are you ready to crush limiting beliefs, increase confidence, feel empowered and live your best damn life? Let’s connect.


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