A collection of inspiration

How To Feel Happier
Sandra Daniele Sandra Daniele

How To Feel Happier

Happiness eluded me for years. Life for me used to be filled with overwhelm and big sighs. My thoughts kept me wide-eyed at 2 in the morning. Old stories on repeat. Mocking me. Telling me I’m not enough. Saying do this. Do that. Be her. Do more. I wanted to unplug the brain television. I also wanted to know how to be and feel happier.

I implemented 10 things that have become the guide posts for my happiness. I want to share them with you, because you deserve to find your happy and wake up feeling good.

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8 Ways to Become a Happier Person
Sandra Daniele Sandra Daniele

8 Ways to Become a Happier Person

The good news is that happiness is not a destination; it's a journey, a state of mind that we can and must cultivate and nurture. If you're looking to embark on a path towards becoming a happier person, you've come to the right place. You can start right here, right now with 8 Ways to Become a Happier Person. Let this blog be your guide to discovering new ideas, strategies, and mindset shifts that can help you unlock the door to a brighter, happier life.

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Rediscovering Joy: Transforming Your Midlife
Sandra Daniele Sandra Daniele

Rediscovering Joy: Transforming Your Midlife

Rediscovering Joy by transforming your midlife perspective explores simple yet powerful ways midlife women can change their perspective and find renewed happiness, joy and fulfillment even when life feels hard.

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