A collection of inspiration

How Do I Love Thee? 7 Tips for Being Kinder to Yourself
Self-love, Personal Development Sandra Daniele Self-love, Personal Development Sandra Daniele

How Do I Love Thee? 7 Tips for Being Kinder to Yourself

It’s time to change the narrative and start being kinder to the most important person in your life - YOU. What we often fail to realize is that turning our attention inward creates a greater outward experience. Let me explain, people will only treat us the way we expect to be treated. If we are always putting ourselves down or making unkind remarks to ourselves it seems normal when someone else is unkind to us.

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Finding Yourself Quotes
Sandra Daniele Sandra Daniele

Finding Yourself Quotes

15 finding yourself quotes to inspire you, to know yourself, what you stand for and what makes you happy, confident and content.

Finding yourself and self discovery is a continuous process of growth and personal understanding. It’s time to come back home to honor your strength, find yourself and feel good about where you are in life. Never forget your power lies in your personal beliefs.

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25 Personal Growth Journal Prompts
Sandra Daniele Sandra Daniele

25 Personal Growth Journal Prompts

If you find journaling hard or haven’t yet established your own journaling practice let these 25 personal growth journal prompts be a starting point for you to find your own clarity and personal growth on the page.

You decide how you want to use these personal growth journal prompts. Maybe you want to dedicate the next 25 days to diving deep into your journal practice. Maybe you rather indulge a couple of hours and write to your hearts content.

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How to Journal - 5 Easy Steps
Sandra Daniele Sandra Daniele

How to Journal - 5 Easy Steps

If you have always wanted to start journaling, but felt intimidated by the process or not sure where to start let this be your road map.

This post outlines 5 easy steps to get you started and even includes additional links to blog posts that have journal prompts included to help get you started.

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8 Ways to Become a Happier Person
Sandra Daniele Sandra Daniele

8 Ways to Become a Happier Person

The good news is that happiness is not a destination; it's a journey, a state of mind that we can and must cultivate and nurture. If you're looking to embark on a path towards becoming a happier person, you've come to the right place. You can start right here, right now with 8 Ways to Become a Happier Person. Let this blog be your guide to discovering new ideas, strategies, and mindset shifts that can help you unlock the door to a brighter, happier life.

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How Women Can Overcome Self-Sabotage and Thrive
Sandra Daniele Sandra Daniele

How Women Can Overcome Self-Sabotage and Thrive

Let's explore six common ways we might unknowingly hold ourselves back with self-sabotage and how to break free from these patterns. Where there is self-sabotage there is also a solution. Promise! Get ready to overcome self-sabotage and THRIVE.

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Self-Care Affirmations to Use to Take Care of Yourself
Sandra Daniele Sandra Daniele

Self-Care Affirmations to Use to Take Care of Yourself

Self-care affirmations are powerful tools to use and take care of yourself. Self-care affirmations are perfect for nurturing your mental and emotional well-being. Included in this post you will find 10 self-care affirmations along with descriptions to use and help you take care of yourself.

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Rediscovering Joy: Transforming Your Midlife
Sandra Daniele Sandra Daniele

Rediscovering Joy: Transforming Your Midlife

Rediscovering Joy by transforming your midlife perspective explores simple yet powerful ways midlife women can change their perspective and find renewed happiness, joy and fulfillment even when life feels hard.

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