Sandra Daniele

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How to Journal - 5 Easy Steps

Do you remember your first diary? Mine was a small book with lined pages, a tiny lock and even tinier key? It looked something like this. Ah, the memories.

I started each entry with; Dear Diary…and prayed to god my mom didn’t find it hidden between my mattresses. The horror if she knew I liked the boy in my 3rd grade class. Writing in my diary didn’t last very long. I don’t know if it was the fear or the boredom of feeling like I had nothing important to write.

I didn’t start journaling until I was in high school and my teacher, a fan of Henry David Thoreau started each class with time spent writing in our journals. It was mandatory. It was also cathartic, calming and dare I say enjoyable.

That practiced stopped though when the class was over. I never felt committed to spending time doing something for me and honestly had so many random thoughts running through my head I didn’t even know what to put on the page.

Fast forward almost 20 years and I found myself once again with pen in hand staring at the blank pages. I don’t know what called me back to journaling, but again I found the process healing and comforting. Since picking up that pen and blank book I have filled dozens of pages and journals with thoughts, jibberish, profound ideas and sometimes just copying a poem or other written words that inspire me.

If you have always wanted to start journaling, but felt intimidated by the process or not sure where to start let this be your road map. This post outlines 5 easy steps to get you started and even includes additional links to blog posts that have journal prompts included to help get you started.

5 Easy Steps to Start Journaling

  1. Choose Your Tools

Of course you have to start with something to write in or on. In high school it was a simple spiral notebook, and a ball point pen. Now you have so many choices for spiral notebooks. I am loving this colorful 3 pack I found, and these are perfect if you are left handed and don’t want the spirals to get in the way. I love the simplicity of these journal books. They are lined, have a ribbon to keep track of where you left off, and are just the right size for my preference. I usually stock up and have found having a consistent size makes storing the journals so much easier. Amazon has a great selection and you are sure to find one that speaks to you. This is important as you want to feel good when you get out your journal. I just found these journals and I love that they have positive and encouraging quotes throughout the journal.

Let’s not forget about finding a pen you love. Writing is so much better when you have a pen you like. I personally love to use a variety of colors when I journal and especially love these pens. They are fine tip markers in a pack of 18 colors and are perfect for journaling. Bonus they don’t bleed through the paper and they are reasonably priced. Choose whatever suits you; pencil, pen, crayons. You can’t get it wrong this is your journal, your way.

  1. There is No Right or Wrong

You are not being graded and this is not an assignment, its a choice. When I started journaling in high school it wasn’t a choice, it was a must do to pass the class. The teacher claimed he didn’t read our entries, just checked the dates to make sure we were diligently writing daily. It didn’t matter what we wrote we just had to write.

Same goes for you. It doesn’t matter what you write. It doesn’t matter if you have misspelled words, no punctuation, run on sentences, or pure jibberish as I like to call a lot of my writing. Just write in your journal.

There isn’t anyone judging your writing and you certainly don’t need to judge yourself. Just let the pen hit the page and let the words flow out. It could be one sentence about your dinner. It could be a paragraph about your day. It could be the lyrics to your favorite song.

There is no right or wrong. This process is for you and you can make it anything you want.

  1. Make the Time

I know what you are thinking, when will you have time. I get it. Here is the thing, you can make your journaling session as long or as short as you want. I have made journaling part of my morning routine and do it first thing (right after I grab a cup of coffee). I don’t set a time limit I just write until I feel I am finished. Some mornings I have more to write and other mornings I just stare at the page before any writing starts. Remember no right or wrong.

Think about a good time of the day for you. If you aren’t a morning person then that might not be the best time for you. Maybe you carve out five minutes when you first get to work to clear your mind for the day or you find a spot at a coffee shop mid-day with journal in hand. Maybe right before bed works best for you. Clear the clutter in your mind for a more restful nights sleep.

Most importantly don’t stress about it. You miss a day, okay, start again tomorrow. You can start a journaling habit with as little as 5 minutes a day. If you are anything like me and get sucked into reels on social media then I know you have at least 5 minutes to spare for journaling.

  1. Find Inspiration

If you aren’t sure where to start and the blank pages seem overwhelming seek inspiration. There are many journals that have prompts to get you started. I particularly like this 6 month guided positivity and wellness journal If you like something with edge you might like this Find Your F*cking Happy journal

I have linked other blog posts on this site that include journal prompts. They are linked below for your reference.

  1. Start - Take Action

Starting anything is always the hardest part, but once you break through the resistance you will be well on your way to incorporating a practice that can become a meaningful and positive aspect of each and every day. So grab a journal, grab a pen and let the words flow. Maybe your starting point is to write 1 -3 things you are grateful for everyday. That counts and is a great place to start your journaling journey.

  1. Conclusion

The experience of journaling is personal and how you choose to proceed on your journaling journey will be unique to you. I highly recommend finding a journal you love, pens that make you happy (you’ll understand once you start writing), and carve out time (put the phone down) to let your thoughts flow onto the paper. Remember there is no right or wrong way to do it. The only way to get it wrong is to not start. Journal for you and let the world and time pass you by as you give yourself the freedom of self-discovery on the blank pages that sit before you. Now go start.

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