A collection of inspiration

How To Feel Happier
Sandra Daniele Sandra Daniele

How To Feel Happier

Happiness eluded me for years. Life for me used to be filled with overwhelm and big sighs. My thoughts kept me wide-eyed at 2 in the morning. Old stories on repeat. Mocking me. Telling me I’m not enough. Saying do this. Do that. Be her. Do more. I wanted to unplug the brain television. I also wanted to know how to be and feel happier.

I implemented 10 things that have become the guide posts for my happiness. I want to share them with you, because you deserve to find your happy and wake up feeling good.

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How to Journal - 5 Easy Steps
Sandra Daniele Sandra Daniele

How to Journal - 5 Easy Steps

If you have always wanted to start journaling, but felt intimidated by the process or not sure where to start let this be your road map.

This post outlines 5 easy steps to get you started and even includes additional links to blog posts that have journal prompts included to help get you started.

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