A collection of inspiration

How To Feel Happier
Sandra Daniele Sandra Daniele

How To Feel Happier

Happiness eluded me for years. Life for me used to be filled with overwhelm and big sighs. My thoughts kept me wide-eyed at 2 in the morning. Old stories on repeat. Mocking me. Telling me I’m not enough. Saying do this. Do that. Be her. Do more. I wanted to unplug the brain television. I also wanted to know how to be and feel happier.

I implemented 10 things that have become the guide posts for my happiness. I want to share them with you, because you deserve to find your happy and wake up feeling good.

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How Do I Love Thee? 7 Tips for Being Kinder to Yourself
Self-love, Personal Development Sandra Daniele Self-love, Personal Development Sandra Daniele

How Do I Love Thee? 7 Tips for Being Kinder to Yourself

It’s time to change the narrative and start being kinder to the most important person in your life - YOU. What we often fail to realize is that turning our attention inward creates a greater outward experience. Let me explain, people will only treat us the way we expect to be treated. If we are always putting ourselves down or making unkind remarks to ourselves it seems normal when someone else is unkind to us.

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How to Create a Self-Care Vision Board
Sandra Daniele Sandra Daniele

How to Create a Self-Care Vision Board

It’s time to fill your cup and creating a self-care vision board is the first step towards doing just that.

Are you like me, dreaming of a moment alone, a chance to catch your breath, and the thought if only running through your mind more than once?

Imagine a life filled with joy, balance, and fulfillment—a life where you put yourself first. It may seem like an impossible dream in your busy life, but what if I told you there's a simple tool that can help you make it a reality?

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How Women Can Overcome Self-Sabotage and Thrive
Sandra Daniele Sandra Daniele

How Women Can Overcome Self-Sabotage and Thrive

Let's explore six common ways we might unknowingly hold ourselves back with self-sabotage and how to break free from these patterns. Where there is self-sabotage there is also a solution. Promise! Get ready to overcome self-sabotage and THRIVE.

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