A collection of inspiration

How To Feel Happier
Sandra Daniele Sandra Daniele

How To Feel Happier

Happiness eluded me for years. Life for me used to be filled with overwhelm and big sighs. My thoughts kept me wide-eyed at 2 in the morning. Old stories on repeat. Mocking me. Telling me I’m not enough. Saying do this. Do that. Be her. Do more. I wanted to unplug the brain television. I also wanted to know how to be and feel happier.

I implemented 10 things that have become the guide posts for my happiness. I want to share them with you, because you deserve to find your happy and wake up feeling good.

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How Do I Love Thee? 7 Tips for Being Kinder to Yourself
Self-love, Personal Development Sandra Daniele Self-love, Personal Development Sandra Daniele

How Do I Love Thee? 7 Tips for Being Kinder to Yourself

It’s time to change the narrative and start being kinder to the most important person in your life - YOU. What we often fail to realize is that turning our attention inward creates a greater outward experience. Let me explain, people will only treat us the way we expect to be treated. If we are always putting ourselves down or making unkind remarks to ourselves it seems normal when someone else is unkind to us.

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Unlocking the Power Within: A Guide to Self-Motivation in Every Aspect of Life
Sandra Daniele Sandra Daniele

Unlocking the Power Within: A Guide to Self-Motivation in Every Aspect of Life

Are you feeling stuck and lacking the motivation to achieve your goals? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we will cover how to beat procrastination, how to motivate oneself in every aspect of your life. Whether you're striving for success in your career, personal relationships, or health and well-being, this post is sure to leave you feeling inspired, and motivated to move your life forward.

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25 Personal Growth Journal Prompts
Sandra Daniele Sandra Daniele

25 Personal Growth Journal Prompts

If you find journaling hard or haven’t yet established your own journaling practice let these 25 personal growth journal prompts be a starting point for you to find your own clarity and personal growth on the page.

You decide how you want to use these personal growth journal prompts. Maybe you want to dedicate the next 25 days to diving deep into your journal practice. Maybe you rather indulge a couple of hours and write to your hearts content.

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Books on Finding Your Purpose - 5 to read
Sandra Daniele Sandra Daniele

Books on Finding Your Purpose - 5 to read

There's something truly magical about the way books have the power to illuminate our paths, especially when it comes to the quest for purpose. As women on this incredible journey, we know that discovering our true calling can be both thrilling and challenging.

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