A collection of inspiration

Books on Finding Your Purpose - 5 to read
Sandra Daniele Sandra Daniele

Books on Finding Your Purpose - 5 to read

There's something truly magical about the way books have the power to illuminate our paths, especially when it comes to the quest for purpose. As women on this incredible journey, we know that discovering our true calling can be both thrilling and challenging.

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5 Ways to Embrace Midlife and Help Your Kids
Sandra Daniele Sandra Daniele

5 Ways to Embrace Midlife and Help Your Kids

Here’s the thing as our kids head off on a new adventure, it often triggers our own remembered insecurities. A good reminder that life is an ever-evolving journey. Are you grappling with how to guide and support your kids without getting caught up in your own insecurities? Keep reading for 5 easy ways to embrace midlife and help your kids on their journey.

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