Sandra Daniele

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How Positivity Leads to an Aligned Life: The Power of Positive Thinking

Welcome to the power of positive thinking. Let’s discover how embracing positivity can lead to a more aligned and fulfilling life. I will share the benefits of positive thinking and how to incorporate it into your daily routine. Because if we are being honest we all want or need more positive energy in our life.

It's through trial and error and my own personal journey that I landed in this space of serving women like yourself. I wanted to learn to really love myself, to stop listening to what other people said about me and others ideas about the way my life should be lived. I wanted to just live for myself and not in a selfish way but in what I call “this is me energy”. I craved just showing up as my true authentic self.

It's ironic that years later I am writing on positivity because for a lot of my life I have not been a positive person I was withdrawn and stood behind the scenes wondering how are people so happy. Asking myself and wondering how do people show up in a positive way. Have you ever wonder that same thing?

I'm here to share with you what has been a part of my own personal journey to living an aligned life. I know that sense of “oh gosh it feels so hard to find the positivity when there are so many things that seem to be going wrong”. Keep reading as we journey on this path together.

My personal mantra that's been really helpful is “Today I am my best, Tomorrow I will be better”. Let's be honest the reality is we can't be positive every day, we can't be sunshine and roses all the time. Right?

This mantra has allowed me to approach my days with grace which leads to aligned living. I remind myself that I'm doing the best I can with today and at the end of the day I will evaluate what worked and what didn't. I ask myself how I want to show up tomorrow. Is there a way I can find more positivity in my day or be kinder to myself.

Today I am my best, tomorrow I will be better

This post contains all things that I have learned and implemented to live an aligned life through positivity. I invite you to take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. I am still learning as like you, we are always on a journey of personal growth. I never want to stop growing or think I have it all figured out.

A few years ago I was in a space of not necessarily seeing the world through a positive lens, but I've learned to shift my mindset and that's my focus now, to help you shift your mindset so you can fall in love with yourself and live an aligned life. Let’s get curious about the benefits of positivity, why is it even important and how do we surround ourselves with more positivity to make it easier to lean into that space that feels better for us and more aligned. Let’s start living and aligned life.

Shifting Your Mindset

Positivity is not about pretending things are sunshine and roses all the time. Hard things happen, sometimes every day, multiple days in a row. It’s when we approach those situations with a different mindset, one that sees what's happening to us is actually happening for us that we are able to shift into positivity. We want to view those setbacks as opportunities for growth. We want to take our focus away from all the negativity and start focusing our attention on the things that are working in our life.

The truth is you probably have a lot of really good things happening in your life, but maybe you have dismissed them as standard status quo. Let’s talk about how we can focus on the things that are working and bring those back to the surface while we push down some of the negative thinking.

Positivity is living your life with a positive attitude. It's a mindset that emphasizes gratitude and appreciation for the good things in your life. When we foster that positive mindset what we're really doing is promoting joy and gratitude. What we focus on is what we create more of in our life.

This doesn't mean ignoring the challenges or difficulties because they are going to happen. We are humans having a human experience and human experiences involve things that are hard, but approaching those challenges with an optimistic mindset changes things and moves us to the state of aligned living.

You have to look for the solution and opportunities for growth in all the situations that hit hard. Hang with me I know that may feel hard right now, but trust me together we can get there.

Benefits of Positivity

When I wasn't feeling positive and saw life through a negative lens I had a lot of health issues. I had back problems. I always had headaches. I would go to the doctor feeling miserable and they would either say “there's nothing wrong with you” or hand me a prescription. I would be thinking, “yes there's something wrong, please tell me there's something wrong with me because I don’t feel good”.

What was wrong with me was I was looking at my life with the glass half empty. I had to shift my mindset, come home to myself and fall in love with myself. I had to start seeking the positive versus the negative. Those shifts helped improve my health, not only my physical health, but also my mental health.

I don't know about you but when I am not feeling positive those negative thoughts really brings me down. I get hit with depression and anxiety and it’s hard to deal with day-to-day things. People feel annoying…can you relate to that?

When you approach your day with a positive mindset and a problem solving attitude obstacles become much smaller. You find yourself growing in ways you didn't think were possible. Positivity improves your mental health and your resilience. You will feel better physically, have more satisfying interpersonal relationships and also improve your own productivity and your own performance in the things you do on a day-to-day basis.

Benefits of Positivity Recap

  • Having a better relationship not just with others, but with ourselves.

  • Positivity is contagious and the more positive we feel or the more we surround ourselves with positive people the more fulfilling and joyful our relationships become.

  • When we feel positive we can create an environment that's uplifting and supportive, not just for ourselves but for others.

  • When we feel good we are more productive, performance goes up and we can handle more tasks.

  • Positivity helps us to get through the day, enjoy the day and feel good about our choices.

  • We experience better health; stress hormones are lowered, we have less chance of getting sick, we have a lower risk of chronic diseases.

  • Positivity gives you resilience so you can bounce back quicker from setbacks.

Add Positivity for an Aligned Life

If all that sounds great and you are ready to add positivity to your life stay with me. The big question how do you bring more positivity into your life, was a question that I asked myself often. These are the things that I found to work for me and they have worked for many of my clients too.

I started practicing gratitude, really focusing on the positive aspects of my life. Every night I would write down three things that I was grateful for. This helped to bring my mind into a space that started to recognize the good things that happened all around me. It took my focus away from the negative.

I began to lean into self love, accepting and loving the person in the mirror. A lot of our negativity comes from ourselves. Are you guilty of looking at yourself in the mirror and thinking, “oh God, I look so tired” or “I am so tired” or “oh I look so old”. Maybe you think all of these when you look in a mirror. This is very negative self talk and we drown ourselves in it. We need to learn to love ourselves and practice self love. When you're loving to yourself you feel that positivity. It feels good and others notice it too.

I set boundaries with people in my life. I learned to set boundaries with people that brought me down and instead surrounded myself with people that lifted me up. Maybe that's something you also need to do. Focus your time and energy on people that make you feel good versus the people that are bringing you down. Spend time with positive people, and minimize time with individuals who are bringing negativity into your life. People’s energy, positive or negative can rub off on you. Others energy can influence your mindset, how you perceive life’s happening and if you see life as a glass 1/2 full or 1/2 empty.

I made sure to make time for myself, instead of always putting others needs or wants in front of my own. I gave myself time to do things I enjoyed. Sadly, I had to ask myself what it was that I enjoyed doing and what would fill me up. This was also a great excuse to try new things without any attachment or expectation. What things make you feel good? Can you go after new hobbies and pursuits that maybe you enjoyed when you were a kid and you just sort of let go by the wayside since life has changed so dramatically. Let this be fun.

Without realizing what a drag the morning news was on my day I started to pay more attention to what content I was consuming. Everything from social media, to books, news and radio. Taking away the morning news was a game changer. Who needs or wants to start their day with that much unrest. Ugh! I replaced it with interesting podcasts, music that pumped me up or the simplicity of silence. Look at what you are consuming, what does the content give to you or take away from you? Does it make you laugh, does it inspire you or is it creating unnecessary worry over things you have no control?

I'll be honest I'm not at a place yet where I can sit down and meditate despite all the benefits of meditation. But, I have learned to calm myself and my mind to stay present or pull myself into the present. This feels much better than looking back at all the things that haven't worked or to spend time worrying about what might happen. Mindfulness, meditation and slowing down helps reduce stress and you become more aware of your thoughts and emotions and that's so important to start identifying when you feel good and when you don't feel good and start to seek out more of those feel good moments for an aligned life.

Exercise! Moving my body whether its at the gym or walking my dog is so important to staying positive and living in alignment. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, getting outside to breathe in the fresh air are game changers.

Learning to celebrate and accept myself, even the small accomplishment. Maybe when you got up today you smiled at yourself in the mirror instead of beating yourself up with negative thoughts. Celebrate that, celebrate when you're able to find and lean into anything that feels positive.

How do you feel in your space at work or at home? If you're going to work everyday do you cringe at your cubicle or office space? Do you dislike your bedroom because it's a mess? Well change what you can, bring in flowers or plants, put things away, or light a candle. All of these things can up level your space and help to create a positive atmosphere. I buy flowers every week for my bedroom, spruced up with some plants and like to keep things tidy and put away.

Start your day with a positive intention or affirmation. My mantra, “Today I am my best, tomorrow I will be better”. This gives me grace to do the best I can. I am setting the intention that I'm going to be my best today, I'm going to show up my best. I will learn and grow from my setbacks and not focus or dwell on what didn't work. We can learn from what's happened in our life and focus on solutions not the perceived problems.

Positivity for an Aligned Life Recap

  • Practice gratitude

  • Lean into self love, accept and love the person in the mirror

  • Set boundaries

  • Make time for yourself

  • Consume positive content

  • Mindfulness, meditation and slow down

  • Move your body

  • Celebrate and accept yourself

  • Create a welcoming space

  • Start your day with positive intentions/affirmations

  • Clear your work/home space and add personal touches

Aligned Living Conclusion

Living an aligned life through positivity involves conscious choices and actions. It’s adding small habits into your daily life while loving yourself deeply. This conscious effort will create an environment that supports an aligned life. A positive mindset will attract more positive experiences and more positive experiences attracts more ease.

This website is full of resources to help you lean into the aligned life you crave. Aligned living is a gradual process. Shifting your mindset requires consistent effort and practice. Be patient with yourself, celebrate the progress you make along the way and keep showing up for you. Your aligned life is waiting for you.

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* All information shared on this blog is my personal opinion, take what works and leave what doesn’t