Your Authentic Self is Calling
For most of my life, I didn't know where I fit in, I didn't know where I belonged or who exactly I was meant to be. That may seem strange to some of you, but here's the thing, I got so wrapped up in doing what I thought others wanted or needed from me that I forgot to ask what I needed from myself.
I wasn’t yet aware there is an anchor we all have that will bring us back to the comfort of ourselves. The anchor is our authentic self, who we are the core. I found more than comfort when connecting with my anchor it has brought me home to my truth, my joy and my freedom.
The root of everything in life is being comfortable with who you are, what you believe and being able to tap into your true nature, the most powerful aspect of you.
It is your authentic-self that allows you to be yourself while dismissing the labels, expectations and judgement others may place upon you.
When we become unattached from this anchor, forgetting who we are at the core, not allowing ourselves or others to see this part of us life feels hard, and it feels heavy. We end up trudging through every day thinking here we go again, who am I supposed to be today.
I used to feel lost, so lost and confused about who I was supposed to be on a day to day basis. I found myself trying to fit in wherever and however I needed to make things “work”. I was often forcing situations (hello, control), wedging myself into a space that I thought would make me feel better about myself. I just wanted to fit in.
As a kid, I was quiet because I learned it was it was better to be quiet, and not speak out. No one can judge you if you don’t say anything. That felt safe. I remember sitting just outside of the edge of the circles in kindergarten. Wanting to be part of the group, but not feeling confident enough to sit knee to knee with the other kids. When I got a little older, I started dressing the way my friends were dressing even though deep inside I had this longing to be different. I now realize that was my authentic-self giving me signals that different was/is okay.
I was guilty of trying to fit in until my 40’s. At 40, I said I'm done. I'm done pretending, I'm done trying so hard. I was physically and emotionally exhausted and in a very dark place. I couldn't keep pretending.
I was suffering from anxiety, which I didn't realize until after I started looking at patterns and behaviors. I was working so hard to fit in with what I thought would make me a social norm. I went to college, I got a job, I got married, I had a child. I did all the “things” and life wasn't working for me.
I began to realize that things were easier when I was just being myself.
I wasn’t so exhausted, I wasn’t worrying so much, my anxiety was reduced. My aches and pains started to be less noticeable. It wasn’t always easy to trust myself enough to let others see the real me, but I was very aware that something was shifting inside of me. I was feeling better about myself and sleeping easier at night. I left behind the trying to please others and began to please myself, focusing on my needs and meeting the expectations that were important for me.
As I reflected more I found myself using a repeatable loop of remembering, reclaiming and reconnecting with a version of myself that hadn’t yet been jaded by societal and family influences. When the day felt hard, or I was dealing with a difficult situation I repeated this loop to bring me back to my true self.
Remember, Reclaim and Reconnect with the truest version of yourself.
The person you truly were meant to be when you came into this world and had not yet been bombarded by society. You hadn't had the influence of parental expectations, teachers, friends or social media.
That truest version of yourself still lives inside of you and when you tap into that version of yourself and get to know her things in life suddenly become easier and your purpose and passion become clear. Reclamation is coming back home to yourself, remembering who you, reclaiming the hidden parts of you and understanding why loving yourself is the root of everything.
When we are always trying to fit in it is hard to know who we are and to feel good about ourselves. Can you relate? It may be with clothing, music, or even what foods you eat. A constant melding of yourself to look and feel like others just to be accepted.
I am so grateful that I woke up to remembering, reclaiming and reconnecting with myself. All the stress, sadness, worry, anxiety, aches and pains slowly dissipated. Life isn’t perfect, I don’t believe it is meant to be as we have so many lessons to learn throughout our lifetime. I do believe life is meant to be easier and joy filled and thankfully mine is.
Are you ready to come home to your authentic self?
Schedule a Crux of Clarity Call
Say YES to yourself and start your journey to remember, reclaim & reconnect.